Design Review Board Process

Homeowners often assume modifications or routine maintenance to the exterior of their Saffold Way property is not subject to DRB approval BUT it is prudent to check any time an exterior change is being considered.  IT IS ALWAYS SMART TO ASK A BOARD MEMBER PRIOR TO PERFORMING ANY WORK ON YOUR HOME. 

A brief summary of the steps needed to complete and submit a request for alterations or additions to your property follows. Homeowners are encouraged to call the Reston Association Covenants Office for more complete information and assistance, or to check the website at  

Please Note: In addition, alterations to your Saffold Way property must also follow Fairfax County zoning and construction permit ordinances, which change from time to time. It is your responsibility to be sure your project is in compliance with these requirements.

  1. Download a DRB application from the RA website: Link Found Here. This form also can be picked up at the Reston Association Office (12001 Sunrise Valley Drive, Reston, VA 20191), or you can call (703) 435-6530 to request that the form be mailed to you.
  2. If you have any questions, call the HCA Board member responsible for DRB applications and RA’s Member Relations Office and/or to find out if approved Cluster specifications already exist for your project or to get a clearer idea about what will be acceptable. If so, your request must conform to those specifications.  Copies of the Reston Association’s booklet, Design Guidelines and Design Review Process User’s Guide, are available from the Association office. Design guidelines are also available on the Reston Association website,
  3. Complete your application, making sure you get the proper signatures required and provide as much detail about your project as possible. Specifications matter.  You must also inform your neighbors of your plans, and be sure the Neighboring Property Owners Acknowledgement at the bottom of the application form is signed. Another signature must be completed by an officer of the Cluster Board of Directors.  
  4. Submit your application to the HCA Board member responsible for DRB applications. S/he will review the application and either approve it as is or disapprove and list the Board as an affected party.
  5. The HCA Board member will return the application to you.
  6. After gathering the required signatures acknowledging your plans, submit the application to the Reston Association. You may scan and email, mail, or hand-deliver your application to the RA Covenants Office.

    HCA Covenants Advisor: Cat Castrence –, 703-673-2038

  7. Our RA Covenants Advisor will review it to verify the the information provided. They will advise you if additional information is needed. They also will notify you of when the application will be reviewed by the DRB, as the DRB meets at scheduled meeting times to review these applications. Note that it may take weeks for your application to be reviewed.
  8. If the application is for a major addition, or another party is involved, it will be included on the agenda for consideration at the next available scheduled meeting of the DRB. You should attend the meeting and present your application.
  9. Attend the DRB meeting where your application will be discussed.

The DRB is the ultimate authority regarding approvals. If the DRB approves your application, the form will be approved, signed, dated, and returned to you and the original application will be filed at RA in a folder for your property.

A RA DRB submittal requirement checklist is available at the Link Found Here.

Last Updated: 12/9/2020

The Hillcrest Cluster Association is one of the largest and oldest homeowners associations (HOA) in Reston,Virginia. Chartered in 1969 under Virginia law.